Toutes les actions

Coopérative La Bistoquette: séance participative

Event date 10 nov '21 18:00
The event will take place at the Espace de concertation 3DD

plénière hors projet (suite)

Event date 9 nov '21 18:30
The event will take place at the Espace de concertation 3DD


Event date 4 nov '21 08:00
The event will take place at the Espace de concertation 3DD

Séance DRH

Event date 3 nov '21 13:30
The event will take place at the Espace de concertation 3DD

COTECH - GLCT Grand Genève

Event date 2 nov '21 13:00
The event will take place at the Espace de concertation 3DD

CCDB Plénière

Event date 2 nov '21 09:00
The event will take place at the Espace de concertation 3DD

COPIL GP Châtelaine

Event date 1 nov '21 15:45
The event will take place at the Espace de concertation 3DD

CODIR Nlle organisation OU

Event date 25 oct '21 10:30
The event will take place at the Espace de concertation 3DD

Genève en transition

Event date 22 oct '21 13:30
The event will take place at the Espace de concertation 3DD